Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Microsoft Announces Bing, to Contend with Google

Microsoft will attempt to directly challenge Google with
it's own search engine "Bing"
Many see this as an exciting new birth in the Advertising World.
I personally believe Bing will be a Success.

AdAge writes:

People with knowledge of the planned push said the ads won’t go after Google, or Yahoo for that matter, by name. Instead, they’ll focus on planting the idea that today’s search engines don’t work as well as consumers previously thought by asking them whether search (aka Google) really solves their problems. That, Microsoft is hoping, will give consumers a reason to consider switching search engines, which, of course, is one of Bing’s biggest challenges….

Indeed, data show that about 65% of people are satisfied or very satisfied with online search. But Microsoft sees an opening on its own proprietary search data: 42% of searches require refinement, and 25% of clicks are the back button.

We’d like to think that what matters in search is the results: Google wins simply because it provides a better experience, serving up the information we want faster and with less effort than rival search engines.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Local Classifieds

Ever Used CraigsList?

Than You have to Try TebowsList!   

It's a better looking, easier to use Classifieds.

This site will be the next Up and Comming Listings.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Local Tweets

A "Tweet" is a new popular word meaning, "to shout out" or "Get Word Out". 
I took this new Popular word and applied it to Local Ads.
Try my new site to promote your Business Locally, Find a Job, or Find Local Singles.
The next Up-and- Comming  "Craigslist"